SIMOGEAR helical geared motors from Siemens
In addition to the helical geared motors we offer a complete project planning of your required drive (required torque, power, speed, etc.). Due to our long-standing contact to all relevant manufacturers we can convince with low prices.
Let us send you a non-binding offer now! By the way, of course we also sell drives such as standard motors and special motors.

SIMOGEAR from Siemens have a wide transmission ratio range due to the plug-in pinion principle. They achieve a high efficiency due to the efficiency of 98% per stage. This results in a high power density. Available rated gear torque: From 50 to 19.000 Nm Gearbox designation from Siemens:
- from size E39 to E149 (1-stage)
- from size Z19 to Z189 (2-stage)
- from size D19 to D189 (3-stage)
- from 1.29 to 9.76 (1-stage)
- from 3.4 to 57 (2-stage)
- from 28 to 328 (3-stage)
- from 248 to 31.284 (double gear)
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